Welcome to Year 5 and 6
5/6Mc Mr. McWilliam
5/6St Mrs. Stott and Mr. Keating
6E Mrs Edwards and Ms Toohey
Key Information
Home Readers
We have a reward system in each of the Year 5 and 6 classrooms whereby when the children return their home reading book with their planner signed they receive an Epraise point on the whole school online reward system. We encourage the children to read 5+ times per week for approximately 20minutes per night. It is essential that you listen to your child read daily at home as past experience has shown that children who read at home daily make the most progress with their reading.
Teachers will set weekly homework on Google Classroom. Homework is designed to encourage your child to develop their skills and work on their individual targets. All children have been given personal login details. Google Classroom can be accessed from most electronic devices ad can be used to send your child's class teacher a message. Teachers will set a piece of English and Maths homework weekly. This work will be marked by the class teacher and feedback will be sent via the platform directly to your child.
Year 5 and 6 children will also be given spellings to learn weekly at home and will be tested in school the following week.
It is important that you help and support your child working towards achieving their targets. If you are unsure how you can support your child, please do not hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher.
Physical Education
PE is a compulsory subject of the National Curriculum and at Rimrose Hope, we support, promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle and deem this subject area extremely important.
Due to current Covid-19 restrictions we ask that you ensure that your child arrives at school in their PE kit on the specified day below. Please ensure that children wear school PE kits (white polo shirt, maroon shorts, maroon socks and black pumps for indoors, maroon joggers and sweatshirt/ cardigan for outside, white polo shirt, maroon socks and trainers ) please ensure your child arrives at school in their correct kit as we are unable to lend kits due to the current situation. If your child is due to attend an after school sports club, then they are required to wear their school PE kit, this can be worn to school.
PE Days
5/6Mc- Monday (outdoors)
5/6St - Wednesday (indoors)
6E - Thursday (outdoors)
Year 5 boys are also swimming every Friday afternoon at Bootle Leisure Centre
Important Dates 2023
KS2 (Year 6 SATs)
*Please note that the dates have changed due to the King's coronation. Year 6 SATs will now begin on Tuesday 9th May 2023.*
Tuesday 9th May
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Paper 1
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Paper 2
Wednesday 10th May
English Reading
Thursday 11th May
Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)
Friday 12th May
Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)
How can I support my child?
Please follow the links below to online games and support.
Supporting your child in preparation for SATs
Supporting your child at home
Supporting your child at home- Subject by subject advice and support for parent