
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

Faith in our children – the hope for the future.

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0151 288 6508

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Hello and welcome to Reception! We have 2 Reception classes and we provide the children with an exciting, motivating and highly effective curriculum based around a cycle of ‘Key Texts’. This curriculum helps the children to grow as independent learners and fosters their natural curiosity and love of learning.

All children are born ready and willing to learn. Here at Rimrose Hope, we absolutely embrace that and fill our days with rich learning opportunities. The children learn how to make relationships, become empathetic and caring. They are taught how to be rock solid with their mathematical skills, specifically, numbers to 10. They rapidly become independent readers and writers and are fully immersed in a language rich setting that encourages their creativity and self-expression.


We have a beautiful wooded area that drives our connection to the natural world and we are very keen on forging strong relationships with our school families. Never underestimate your power to equip your child with lifelong skills. Working in partnership, we can truly help your child fulfil their potential.


Our website page offers a glimpse into your child’s experiences with us. We hope that you enjoy celebrating their achievements and learning together. We will send out texts to let you know when new content is added.


Thank you and best wishes,


Mrs.Warrington, Mrs Ventre and all of the staff in Reception.

Our Welcome Video


Thank you for visiting our website and Early Years page. Here at Rimrose Hope, our EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) accommodates children from 2 - 5 years old. Our team work closely to ensure that learning experiences are purposeful, developmentally appropriate, extended and built upon as the children move through the phase. 


We hope you enjoy our welcome video. It is a visual snapshot of our philosophy and values, and the fun we have when we are together. 





EYFS website welcome video

Welcome to Rimrose Hope. We hope you enjoy our welcome video, highlighting our wonderful EYFS!



Our Early Years must serve to reaffirm core principles which values:


  • The child at the centre of practice
  • The child’s connections within family, communities, cultures & the wider world
  • The whole child
  • The rights of the child as outlined in the UNCRC (1989)


We appreciate that all children have agency and a desire to learn and make connections. As such we aim to provide high quality provision based on: A Unique child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments, Learning and Development. Through this provision, we will ensure that our children are listened to and recognised as experts in their own lives, promoting inclusive principles for practice that all children are entitled to.

We recognise the importance of providing children with experiences that enhance and develop their dispositions to learning and their right to play. Our vision is to provide experiences that support children to think and learn for themselves, helping to form the foundations of long-life learners.



  • Children learn best when they feel happy, safe and secure.
  • Children are experts in the own lives and as such are co-constructors of their learning, alongside skilled adults.
  • Children learn at different rates and learning journeys are all unique.
  • Effective learning must be meaningful to a child in order for them to use what they know and apply it in new contexts.
  • Children need opportunities to develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL) so that they are able to approach learning situations with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm.

Capturing and monitoring children's progress in EYFS


Tapestry is a secure online learning journal that allows us to record photographs, observations and comments about your child, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This builds up a record of your child's experiences while they are with us and enables us to monitor their progress and plan their next steps. All the information held on this platform is stored securely and can only be accessed by practitioners and parents / or carers. Tapestry is a fantastic way for us to work collaboratively with you, as you can add comments and send photographs and videos from home. You will receive more information about Tapestry when your child starts at Rimrose Hope, and once you have your unique login details can begin to track your child's learning journey. 


Additional information from Tapestry website can be found here.


The Early Learning Goals

Children aged 0-5 follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. We understand that each child's learning journey is unique and young children's learning does not occur in a linear fashion. Through observations, assessments, and working closely with our parents / or carers, we endeavour to support each child's journey providing them with any support they may need. At the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) we assess the children against the Early Learning Goals (ELG's). The aim is that all children are 'Expected', giving them the best chance to remain on track throughout their educational journey. For more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, click the link below.








we endeavour to keep you as fully informed as we can. We have a range of communication lines to you including our school to parent text app, our Facebook parent group, school letters, our class website page and our Instagram account. At Rimrose Hope, we ensure that children spend quality daily time with their Key Person and information is shared with parents. 

You can follow your child’s learning journey via our Instagram account

Home Reading 

Reading is an integral part to life at Rimrose Hope, the love of reading is promoted from when your child starts in EYFS. In EYFS each week your child will take home a book to share with an adult. You will share the book for a week and will return the book to our lending library on a Thursday and your child will be able to select their own reading book at our Friday ‘Lending Library‘. Decodable home readers which link directly to our phonics teaching will be sent home once your child is able to blend, segment and read CVC words. 

Home Reading at Rimrose Hope



In EYFS, homework is sent home weekly. Homework is phonics based with work consisting of letter formation and practice blending and segmenting cvc words. Information regarding homework is shared with parents and caters at parents evening. Phonics workshops will commence during the Autumn Term to support parents, dates will be confirmed and sent to parents to book attendance at the workshops. 
