
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

Faith in our children – the hope for the future.

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0151 288 6508

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NHS Healthy Start - pls contact Mr Cooney in school if you need help with the application

Free Tennis Lessons - pls see letter attached

Last Minute Trips info letter

Dates and Events for Summer Term 2024 for your diaray

Ultimate Kids Camp schedule for May 2024

British Science Week 2024

Sefton Schools say #kNOwKnifeCrime-

Spring Term 2024 Events

Free Boxing training till end of March 2024

December Events 2023

Additional Open Day for EYFS

Weight and Height check letter for reception and Year 6

Parent's Evening letter

Welcome back to Rimrose Hope 2023-24

Uniform and PE Kit and Equipment

Important Dates for this term

Ofsted Report 2023

Year 6 trip Go Outside Formby

Ofsted survey for parents

Year 1 height and weight check

Year 3/4 Mindful Mile

Christmas Letter - dates you may save in your diary....

Police letter in regards of home security in the winter time

Welcome Back to Rimrose Hope for school Year 2022-23

Feedback Fridays
