All children have the right to education, based on equality of opportunity and Rimrose Hope CE Primary School, in partnership with parents and other parties, must take measures to encourage regular school attendance and reduce rates of absenteeism.
A child’s success at school is likely to be affected negatively if their attendance is poor. Those who do not attend regularly may fall behind in their learning, leading to underachievement, both academically and socially.
Rimrose Hope CE Primary School recognises the crucial role that parents play in promoting good school attendance. The school therefore seeks to provide professional, quality information and advice, communicated frequently by telephone, text, the school app, leaflets, parents’ evenings, school reports and via the school attendance webpage on our school website.
For children to make progress at school they need to attend regularly, a figure of 96% or above is the expected target set by the government.
At Rimrose we recognise those children with excellent attendance with a termly Attendance Reward. In addition, any children with 100% attendance for the year will receive a prize during the prize giving end of year assembly.