Fluency and Progression in Mathematics
Year 1/2
Children in Year 2 were taught division as grouping and division as sharing over a sustained period of time.
Once they had remembered, understood and applied their knowledge independently, they had demonstrated Mastery.
Miss McMinn then stretched the children further and challenged them to analyse and classify different word problems, evaluating if they were a sharing or grouping problem and ‘proving it’.
The children then went on to create their own grouping and sharing word problems for a friend to solve. Moving through all the stages, some of the children had then shown depth.
Year 5/6
The children in Year 5/6 used Numicon to solve fraction problems (Concrete Stage). Once they were confident doing this, they moved onto solving problems using pictures (Pictorial Stage)
The children then moved onto fluency using symbols (Symbolic stage) with a reasoning twist!
Following on from this, the children had a reasoning lesson, with a ‘twist’. This particular child demonstrated depth because he was able to make independent links to division.
Progression in History – Using Storyline
Year 1/2
Why Do People Wear Poppies?
The children in Year 1/2 were learning all about Remembrance Day and the significance of wearing a Poppy. The children began the topic by being immersed in tasks relating to WW1. They looked at it broadly and then narrowed their focus on the impact it had on their local area of Seaforth.
The Storyline Approach was then used to fully immerse the children into the life of a child in WW1. The children were put into ‘family groups’ and throughout the unit of work they found out what life was like for them and their ‘families’. The children created their character and this was added to their class frieze. Each family was assigned an older sibling too (a year 5/6 pupil) who, having been called upon to join the war, were then removed from the frieze. The children wrote about how it felt that day.
The children then wrote a detailed diary entry from the perspective of the younger brother/sister, explaining how they felt that day.
Year 6
Why Should The World Be Ashamed Of Slavery?
The storyline approach was successfully used to immerse Year 6 into the topic of Slavery. Throughout the unit of work the children took on the different roles; first that of a merchant and then the role of a slave. The children physically moved around the classroom to different images of the Liverpool dockside, Africa and the 'New World' of the Americas. They began as a merchant and from this perceptive wrote about the journey from Liverpool to Africa
The adults then took on the role of the merchants and the children took on the role of a slave. While shaking chains and shouting, the ‘merchants’ told them that they had been ‘captured’ and must board the vessel to leave Africa and travel to the Americas to work. The children wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a slave.
While in the role of a slave, the children ‘travelled’ from Africa to the New World of the Americas. They learnt how this part of the slave triangle was known as The Middle Passage. They then wrote a recount of that journey.
At the end of the topic, Year 6 used all the information and facts they had learnt to explain the impact of a significant historical event. They then wrote about their personal perspective to the question ‘should the world be ashamed of Slavery?’
Progression in RE – Holy Week
Reception (EYFS)
In Reception, the children spent two weeks learning all about significant events that led up to Easter Sunday. We looked closely at each event; Palm Sunday for example, and as a result some of the children were able to develop and demonstrate Mastery and in some cases Depth.
Palm Sunday
The children made models independently, recreating and showing their understanding of what happened during Palm Sunday.
The Last Supper
Some of the children enjoyed making models to recreate the last supper. This particular little girl was able to talk about the role of Judas and his betrayal.
Our Easter Timeline
Some of the children were able to talk about each event in turn, in depth, and independently make a timeline.
Emotional Literacy
The children choose pictures of different events and thought about how Jesus/God/the Disciples may have felt. They were able to write about this independently and justify their thoughts. This particular little girl demonstrated Depth when she was able to make independent connections based on what she knew, organise her thoughts and justify her answer.
Year 3/4
The children in year 3/4 analysed different crosses and chose their favourite ones. They then explained the reasons why they chose them. This Pupil demonstrated Depth when she commented "I chose it because it looks like a key and Jesus opens your heart. I think Jesus opens my heart with this key"
The children were asked to write a reflection of the Easter story. Through the ability to make connections and argue a viewpoint with justification, this pupil had demonstrated Depth.