
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

Faith in our children – the hope for the future.

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Meet Our Wonderful Team

Meet Our EYFS Team at 

Rimrose Hope!

We believe that your child deserves the very best start in life. We are a dedicated team who all work closely together to ensure that our children receive the best education and care. We are Early Years trained, have years of experience, and we are extremely passionate about all our little people. 

Mrs. Warrington (Reception Teacher, EYFS Lead and Assistant Headteacher)

Mrs. Ventre (Reception Teacher & Buddies Nursery Manager)

Miss Crilly (Nursery Teacher)

Miss Broadfoot (HLTA Buddies Nursery)

Mrs Pollard (HLTA Nursery)

Ms Byers (Teaching Assistant Reception)

Miss Sach ( Teaching Assistant Buddies)

Miss Bradley (Teaching Assistant Reception)

Miss Meadows (Teaching Assistant Reception)
