Following the introduction of the Computing curriculum in September 2014 it is the responsibility of all schools to teach e-safety. This will be through specific lessons and continuous provision, advice and support.
At Key Stage 1 |
Children will be taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
At Key Stage 2
Children will be taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact
The internet for many parents can be a daunting place but to our children it is a necessity of life. Access to the internet has never been so vast and continues to spread with the increasing popularity of tablets devices and access through mobile phones. To support you in protecting your child on line there are some useful links below to sites with tips and guidance:
Digital Parenting magazine
The Parent Zone and Vodafone have just released their latest Digital Parenting magazine it contains lots of information and tips for parents about what their kids are doing online/ on their smartphones and how they can help to protect their children. It's free for schools to order via the link below and you can order as many copies as you would like. There is also an electronic version available in the link which could be added to your website or sent out via school Twitter feed.
CEOP (Child On-Line Protection) Parents Area
This site offers advice and guidance for all types of online behaviours be it on line gaming, social networking, sharing and much more.