
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

Faith in our children – the hope for the future.

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Wellbeing at Rimrose Hope

Supporting Our Pupils


At Rimrose Hope we recognise that positive wellbeing and good mental health is vital for our pupils’ happiness and achievement.


Our approach to promoting good mental health and wellbeing emphasises the importance of early intervention and prevention. This means we identify and address risk factors for adversity as early as possible, and provide targeted interventions and support to prevent negative outcomes from occurring. 


Our Moodtracker App ensures that our children's voices are heard at the time they need us to listen. All teaching staff have been trained to identify the risk factors associated with negative mental health and the school has a stepped approach to supporting pupils and their families.


On this page we have included signposts to different organisations for support, information and guidance.


Please click the web link or info buttons to direct you to resources and support.



The Rimrose Hope Approach to Promoting Good Mental Health

In terms of specific interventions and support, staff at our school understand the importance of providing opportunities for children to develop and practice skills related to resilience. At Rimrose Hope this can include things like social-emotional learning programmes, an enriching curriculum, wellbeing walks, mentoring and support from the pastoral team, and participation in extra-curricular activities that promote positive citizenship.


All staff have received training in the Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programme. This is a systematic programme to provide mediation and remediation of a complete range of cognitive strategies which apply to all areas of learning as well as to outside-school areas such as family life, career choice, and general problem-solving.

The FIE Programme seeks to correct the deficiencies in fundamental thinking skills, and provides our pupils with the concepts, skills, strategies, operations and techniques necessary to function as independent learners, increase their motivation, and develop metacognition – in short, to “learn how to learn.” 


Enriching Curriculum


Teachers understand the need to create a positive and supportive classroom environment that fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to take risks and learn from their mistakes. Our curriculum provision ensures that the children learn a wide range of new skills and knowledge. Overcoming challenges and solving problems can help students develop the self-confidence and coping skills needed to overcome adversity in their lives and thus better prepares them for the future. Staff take time to encourage healthy habits such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep, which have been found to be associated with good mental health and more specifically our teachers  teach students coping skills such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and positive self-talk, which have been found to be associated with resilience. These skills can help students better regulate their emotions and respond to stress in a healthy way.

Pastoral Support

We have a well established pastoral team that has built up strong relations with our children and their families over a long period of time. The team is always available to talk and support our children and help them with any  concerns they may have. If children need further support we have a play therapist and a School Mental Health Therapist to provide more specialist help and support.




Our Year 6 children attended an assembly to inform them about Kooth.  Kooth is an online mental well-being community that the children can access for free.  It is safe and anonymous.  For more information about the Kooth App, please see below. 


This website brings together information, advice and resources to understand and promote children’s mental health and wellbeing.
