Welcome to our Language Lecturers page!
Here we will upload photographs and share the jobs our lecturers get up to whilst promoting the learning of German as our modern foreign language across the school.
Our Language Lecturers meet half termly and discuss all things to do with our MFL German lessons.
Here's what some of them had to say about their German Lessons:
"I enjoy German lessons because I like to learn new languages and I'm interested in the country Germany. I like doing Chatafit, acting as animals and fruit, it helped me remember the names."
" I like German because it is a chance to learn a new language and explore new things about a different country. I like being a Language Lecturer because I really like learning German. Chatafit was amazing as I learnt the names of fruits and vegetables in German whilst getting healthy."
"I like our German lessons because they are inventive and fun. They always make me happy and I have a fun time learning with my friends. I felt energised after Chatafit and learnt lots!"