
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

Faith in our children – the hope for the future.

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Capturing & Monitoring Children's Progress

Two-Year Progress Check

The two-year progress check is designed to help practitioners identify how your child is progressing. The purpose is to identify your child's strengths as well as provide early identification of any development needs. This will then allow us to provide additional support if required. This check is undertaken collaboratively and parents/or carers must be provided with a summary of their child's development in the Prime Areas of Learning (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, and Communication and Language). The progress check is undertaken when children are between 2 - 3 years old and will only occur once your child has had the opportunity to settle into Buddies Nursery. 



Tapestry is a secure online learning journal that allows us to record photographs, observations and comments about your child, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This builds up a record of your child's experiences while they are with us and enables us to monitor their progress and plan their next steps. All the information held on this platform is stored securely and can only be accessed by practitioners and parents / or carers. Tapestry is a fantastic way for us to work collaboratively with you, as you can add comments and send photographs and videos from home. You will receive more information about Tapestry when your child starts at Rimrose Hope, and once you have your unique login details can begin to track your child's learning journey. 


Additional information from Tapestry website can be found here.

The Early Learning Goals

Children aged 0-5 follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. We understand that each child's learning journey is unique and young children's learning does not occur in a linear fashion. Through observations, assessments, and working closely with our parents / or carers, we endeavour to support each child's journey providing them with any support they may need. At the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception) we assess the children against the Early Learning Goals (ELG's). The aim is that all children are 'Expected', giving them the best chance to remain on track throughout their educational journey. For more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, click the link below.
