
Rimrose Hope CofE Primary School

Faith in our children – the hope for the future.

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School Clubs

At Rimrose our learning continues beyond the classroom and the normal school day as we offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs to children in every year group from Reception to Year 6. 


All of our clubs are accredited by Children's University and every year we see more and more children getting involved in the activities and graduating from Edge Hill University.


All clubs run from 3:00pm-3:45pm unless otherwise stated. Please log into Parent pay where you will be able to sign your child up for the clubs listed below. 

Summer Term 2023 After School Clubs

Multi Skills


'Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.'

Bo Jackson


Every Friday from 3:00pm - 3:45pm, children from Reception meet our qualified sports coaches to take part in a variety of fitness based activities. These include basic circuits, dribbling and passing skills, jumping, throwing and catching and general game playing. Our aim is to encourage the children to become more active and understand the need for a healthy lifestyle in a fun environment whilst developing a range of sports skills.



'Gymnastics has been my life, I want every child to experience it.'

Beth Tweddle


Every Monday, the children meet in the hall for gymnastics. Within the sessions, the children learn a range of gymnastics skills. Classes are fun, structured, and led by experienced, passionate coaches. As well as learning a new skill,  children are able build their confidence and social skills.

Hobby Horse


'Most people never run far enough on their first wind, to find out they've got a second.'

William James


Every Tuesday, the children in years 1 and 2 to take part in fun and games in our Hobby Horse Club. The children develop a range of physical skills including; running, jumping, hopping and skipping. As well as learning and developing a range of physical skills, the children develop social skills, learn to work as a team and most importantly, they have ours of fun! 



'Let perseverance be your engine, and hope be your fuel.'

H. Jackson Brown Jnr

Every Thursday, children from across Key Stage 1 and 2 meet our coaches to learn and develop the fundamental skills of track and field events. Each week, the children learn and develop a new athletics based skill as well as developing team work and social skills. 




' I start early, and I stay late. Day after day after day, year after year. It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success.' 

Lionel Messi


Each Friday, years 1 and 2 meet our qualified spurts coaches for football training. The sessions are structured, teaching and developing a range of skills including; dribbling, passing as well as tactics including attack and defence. Sessions are fun and are designed to build and develop the children’s confidence. 


Key Stage 2 children meet at lunchtimes on a Tuesday and Thursday for football training. 



“I’m a musician and I’m really blessed, because in my life if I can hold the sticks, I can play.” 

 Ringo Starr

Children who attend drumming club will learn to play the djembe drum. Children will learn how to play the African drum using depth, tone and rhythm as well as learning to read music and compose their own music.





'Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.'
Flora Lewis


Each Tuesday, children in years 3-6 meet to develop their language and sports skills in our German Sports session. As well as developing their German language skills, the children partake in a range of fun, sports based activities and games. The children develop a range of social, team work skills as well as a love for fitness and well-being. 


Worship Warriors


'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.'

Psalm 119:105

Each Monday, the children in year 6 meet to learn a story from the Bible. The children work together to develop a dramatised retelling of the story for a weekly assembly to the rest of the school. The children retell the story through drama and song and reflect on the message of the story. Each week, the children present the story in assembly. 


Book Club


'I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book'

J K Rowling 


Each week, Book Club meet to discuss and share their views and opinions on a shared text. The children are given texts to read anc V meet weekly to critique. As well as we’ll as their weekly meetings, the children attend theatre productions based on texts they read and partake in literature based workshops and activities with Kingsley and Co. As well as developing reading and critique skills, this club offers children a chance to build and develop their speaking and listening skills through the magical world of literature. 



Guitar Club


'The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.'

B.B King

Every Thursday lunchtime and after school, Mr Whitehead comes to take a group of children for guitar lessons. During the course of the year, the children have the opportunity to perform at various school events and also take external exams.


Our guitar lessons are available for junior children (Yr 3-6). Lessons take place during Thursday afternoons and during the extra curricular club activities on Friday afternoon. The children are taught by our experienced music teacher Mr. Whitehead. The children are taught to play acoustic pieces as well as playing along to backing music. The children also learn to read and compose their own music. At the end of each term, the children perform to parents/carers and whole school audiences. 

Musical Theatre


"It isn't where I am, it's only where I go from here."



Each week, Key Stage 2 children meet to recite and rehearse scenes from Musical Theatre. The children engage in a range of drama based activities, learn songs and routines and learn how to perform. Over the duration of the weeks, the children work towards a performance which they perform to their parents. 



Homework Clubs


'If you work hard. And are responsible. You should be rewarded' 

Barack Obama


Monday Years 1 and 2 3:00-3:45pm

Tuesday Year 5 and 6 3:00-3:45pm

Thursday Years 3 and 4 3:00-3:45pm
